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本周北京nd钢管市场价格小幅波动。随着中美贸易互征关税的预期落地,近期期货nd钢管市场震荡调整,钢坯价格小幅回落,北京nd钢管市场价格先跌后小幅反弹态势。市场价格小幅调整,市场观望浓厚,大 户日成交量在300-3000吨左右。低价出货较好,商家报价向下靠拢。目前钢厂资源到货略有增多,前期短缺规格陆续有到货。价格方面,截至5月17日,北京市螺线沙龙批量成交指导价格:Φ8-10mm高线为4800元(吨价,下同),比上周同期下跌30元。河北钢铁集团产Φ12mm 三级抗震螺纹钢为4060元,比上周同期下跌30元;Φ25mm三级螺钢为4060元,比上周同期下跌40元。

The price of ND steel pipe in Beijing fluctuated slightly this week. With the anticipated landing of Sino-US trade tariffs, the recent futures ND steel pipe market shocks and adjustments, billet prices fell slightly, and Beijing ND steel pipe market prices fell first and then rebounded slightly. The market price has been adjusted slightly and the market has a strong wait-and-see. The daily turnover of large households is around 300-3000 tons. Low-price shipment is better, business quotations close down. At present, there is a slight increase in the arrival of steel plant resources, and the shortage of specifications in the early stage has been arrived one after another. Price, as of May 17, Beijing Spiral Salon bulk trading guidance price: 8-10mm high line is 4800 yuan (ton price, the same below), 30 yuan lower than the same period last week. Hebei Iron and Steel Group's production of 12mm three-stage aseismic screw steel is 4060 yuan, down 30 yuan from the same period last week; 25mm three-stage screw steel is 4060 yuan, down 40 yuan from the same period last week.

目前来自于环保消息面的支撑效果暂不明显,由于吨钢利润可观,钢厂生产积极性依然较大。从当前来看,随着中美贸易互征关税的预期落地,淡季需求转弱预期、环 保限产能否达标预期、逆周期宏观对冲政策预期等等需要兑现,需要重点关注市场情绪面、资金情绪面、市场供需以及宏观政策面对期现市场的影响,短期看目前市 场库存小幅上升,高温来临,下游需求减弱,预计下周北京nd钢管市场价格将呈窄幅调整的态势。

At present, the supporting effect from environmental protection information is not obvious, because the profit per ton of steel is considerable, the enthusiasm of steel mills is still large. From the current point of view, with the anticipated landing of Sino-US trade tariffs, the expected weakening of off-season demand, the anticipation of environmental production restriction, anticipation of counter-cyclical macro-hedging policy and so on, we need to focus on market sentiment, capital sentiment, market supply and demand, and the impact of macro-policy on the spot market. In the short term, the stock of the market is rising slightly, and the high temperature is coming. In the near future, downstream demand is weakening, and the price of ND steel pipe in Beijing is expected to adjust in a narrow range next week. 

