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80~ 90年代,随着国内的焊管厂设备更新和各类合资的焊管厂兴建,大批国外制造的焊管机组进入国内,它们分别来自美国日本、德国等西方发达国家,也有来自我国台湾省,这些焊管机组以生产小直径薄壁家具钢管和异型管为主在机组引进的同时也引进了不少的轧辊,许多生产厂家反映随主机带的轧辊使用性能优于国内加工的轧辊,对于这种反映在国内焊管的同行中也早有议论,究竟原因何在,各说不一在珠江三角洲工作的几年中,有机会到一些合资的焊管厂参观,见到不少从国外引进的焊管生产线,接触到工厂和技术人员,就一些技术问题进行过交流。有时能看到一些技术资料,有时还能到轧辊库参观,对轧辊进行较详细的观察,总的印象是,国外的同行很重视焊管的成型方式,尽可能使轧辊在成型中受力分布趋于合理,也很重视对轧辊孔型设计、配置,材料选择及加工方法的研究,对轧辊的见解有许多独到之处,这无疑对保证轧辊的质量起到很重要的作用。一些从国外引进的小直径焊管机組所使用的轧辊,在材料选用、加工方法孔型设计、孔型配置及轧辊外形结构等方面的特点,供国内焊管厂和轧辊制造厂借鉴,以提高我国焊管轧辊的质量。

During the 1980s and 1990s, with the renovation of domestic welded pipe plants and the construction of joint venture welded pipe plants, a large number of welded pipe sets manufactured abroad entered China. They came from developed countries such as the United States, Japan, Germany and other Western countries, as well as Taiwan Province of China. These welded pipe sets mainly produce small-diameter thin-walled furniture pipes and special-shaped pipes. At the same time, they also introduced many rollers. The manufacturer reflects that the roll performance of the main belt is better than that of the domestic processing roll. There has been a long discussion about this reflection among the domestic welded pipe professionals. What is the reason? In the years of working in the Pearl River Delta, different opinions have been expressed. During the years, they have had the opportunity to visit some joint venture welded pipe factories. They have seen many imported welded pipe production lines from abroad, contacted factories and technicians, and made some technical suggestions. Questions were exchanged. Sometimes we can see some technical data, sometimes we can visit the roll warehouse and observe the rolls in detail. The general impression is that foreign colleagues attach great importance to the forming method of welded pipe, make the force distribution of rolls in the forming process more reasonable as far as possible, and also attach great importance to the study of roll pass design, configuration, material selection and processing methods. There are many unique opinions about rolls. Undoubtedly, it plays an important role in ensuring the quality of rolls. Some rolls used in small diameter welded pipe mills imported from abroad have the characteristics of material selection, pass design of processing methods, pass configuration and roll shape structure, which can be used for reference by domestic welded pipe mills and roll mills in order to improve the quality of welded pipe rolls in China. 

